Keeping each other safe!

IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION... we ask you to please read carefully. 

SchemeWise understands the constantly changing scene around coronavirus (COVID-19) can be deeply worrying.  But we're all in this together and the most important thing at this time is that we practice more caution,  we keep talking and decide on options together

Here's the first thing we want to get across... we are ALL susceptible to coronavirus and playing nice together is therefore essential to promote health and wellbeing.  

Keeping people safe is central to everything we do!

At SchemeWise were doing our part (more on this shortly) but to ensure we can continue helping our customer's we're asking that YOU do your part too.  Our customers and their families (and supports) can help in the following ways:

1. Firstly - ask yourself this question... 'Have either you or your family member(s) or support worker been in close contact with a person diagnosed/confirmed to have coronavirus?'

2. If you or a family member(s) are sick please call ahead at least 2-4 hours BEFORE a scheduled appointment and advise us so we can discuss the best options to support you.  [You are required to self-isolate if this is the case and inform other people.]

3. If you or your family member(s) are uncertain what to do then please call your doctor and discuss any symptoms with them AND THEN call SchemeWise to advise and discuss.

4. If you are not sick... please continue to monitor your environment and recognise the symptoms and risk factors (see below).

General precautions to practice and symptoms to recognise



We have plans in place to support (and protect) people.  Our intention is to ensure wherever safe to do so that we continue our services/supports to you. 

For a start we will be practicing 'social distancing' from now for the next 3-6 months (this may change as the situation locally changes).  Social distancing is a mandatory requirement issued by the Australian Government. 

This just means when we meet we will ask that we maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from each other.  Your respect of this request is very important as we want to continue to support you and our other customers too! 

If you attend an activity we run  - please expect to be asked to adopt social distancing measures.  We are also taking reasonable means to keep the environment safe like using disinfectant, cleaning surfaces regularly, etc.  Our people are practising general precautions also like washing their hands and face (especially as we travel between customers).

For people with high risk backgrounds such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure problems, Lung problems (asthma, etc) or Immune issues our people can wear a mask to help you stay well - just ask if you think we need to do this for you (we won't mind).  

SchemeWise Officers may adopt this approach voluntarily also - to do our best to help you stay safe - this can be a little confronting sometimes but we are trying our best to help you (please respect us taking this action as we may have seen several other people the same day and we need to adapt our approach, even if we have a few mild concerns).

We can also (in most cases) offer alternative options to engage in our services. The following options are possible:


⇒ Increased distances (also called social distancing)

⇒ Using a physical barrier - like talking across a room or through a closed window (as a worse case)

Instead of face-to-face meetings we can offer: 

⇒ A phone call, or

⇒ Teleconference over Skype or FaceTime.   

NOTE: Skype requires you to download an application to your computer/laptop or an app to your mobile phone/tablet.  FaceTime is included in all Apple devices and is a built-in video teleconference tool.  While nothing further is needed to use Facetime, Skype (which is free over the Internet) requires you to sign up and make a username - you just need to give your SchemeWise officer your username (over the phone/text/email) and we will connect with you at your appointment time. YOu just need to have the Skype application open for us to connect to you.

To use FaceTime or Skype you need to have 3G/4G mobile network access, or if at home, broadband access.

Personal nursing services - we are investing in additional protective equipment to reduce exposure.  This looks like single use sterile equipment we will bring with us and leave with you to dispose (so that we don't spread germs).


What happens if a SchemeWise Officer suspects they may have come into contact with OR tests positive to coronavirus?

What we want you to know is that we are practicing a very conservative approach to keep people living with disability safe. 

SchemeWise will be working on an 'if in doubt, communicate' basis. 

This means your SchemeWise officer may call ahead and ask if everything is OK your way... they may also advise that they are OK or that they need to take some preventative actions to keep you safe. 

There is also a potential that any SchemeWise officer (or you) may be required to self-isolate for a 14-day period in which case we may want to discuss some other options with you to ensure your service can be delivered and you remain safe.  For example, we may have to change the person whom supports you or we may need to ask only to support you via indirect methods during isolation periods.

Voluntary self-isolation for 14 days is now a mandatory requirement issued by the Australian Government under new laws.  A person not doing so is committing an offence. 

This applies to us and to you.



From: Monday 23 March 2020

1. We will call you BEFORE your appointment (usually this will be first thing the morning your appointment is to occur) as a secondary measure to our usual SMS reminders;

2. We will ask if there are any concerns your way OR we will advise you of our concerns;

3. We will agree TOGETHER the best option for you.  Either a different service delivery option like increased distance, over the phone/teleconference service OR that another SchemeWise officer comes and sees you instead (if phone/teleconference is not possible) OR that we find a different provider who can help you.

CAUTION!  There is  ONE BIG IF  to be aware of... and this is especially the case with some of our nursing services

If it is NOT possible to ensure your safety with one of our nursing services we will advise you of this and we will provide some other options you may need to follow.  For example, if we are unable to offer a nursing service because our nurses (or you) may have been exposed to coronavirus (and there are no other qualified personnel available), we might advise you whom else may be able to perform the service for you.  If this is not possible, after we have looked/talked to other providers (or you do not feel comfortable with the option suggested) we may advise that a matter requires you to seek medical assistance or hospital attendance. 

The intent is always to keep you safe... and to ensure others are safe too.  Our nurses cannot knowingly engage in an activity (e.g. enter your home if you have been diagnosed with coronavirus) which reduces their capacity and increases exposure risk when moving between people - our nurses are required to take all due care with respect to ALL THE PEOPLE they look after and support...!

Thank you for your understanding regarding these changes to SchemeWise services.  We will continue to do our best, we ask for your best... and of course that we keep talking as we work through this troubling time together.


If you remain concerned over anything mentioned here please call us to discuss.







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