NDIS Flexibility Increases (Agency or Plan-managed)

AT LONG LAST... the NDIA has finally updated its systems to make things easier for providers and participants, particularly during COVID-19. These improvements are:

  • increased flexibility for participants to use funds across all Core Support categories
  • ability for providers and participants to edit Agency-created service bookings including Supported Independent Living 
  • automatically extended plans now including eligible assistive technology. 

Core support flexibility

Agency and plan-managed participants [BUT not self-managed people] now have increased flexibility to use Core funding across all Core Support categories.

Participants with funding in their plan for at least one Core Support category no longer need to have $1 in a particular Core Support category to reallocate funds across the categories, including transport.

The transport support category is now also flexible within the Core budget. However, participants who have elected to receive their transport funding as a periodic payment (directly into their accounts) will not be able to use that funding flexibly as it remains locked.  SchemeWise ALWAYS recommends people DO NOT have periodic payments - its significantly better to get a plan-manager and have them manage the travel budget for you... as it also means you won't have to worry about invoices coming direct to you for transport NOT associated with your disability support needs.  

Beyond this... as recently demonstrated the NDIS managed to royally stuff up providing the regular periodic payment from within its systems leaving people at some duress until it fixed things...almost a week later.  Avoiding anything from this government should be the default option.  It always reminds us of that old saying.... "You had one job....!"

Editing service bookings

Providers and participants are now able to edit Agency-created service bookings, including the duration, unit prices and quantities. Thanks goodness this has been another royal stuff up area... since pricing has not updated and people have lost services where providers needed to cancel service bookings, wait 2 weeks, then make new ones.  Seriously!  this was beyond ridiculous.  Any business taking this approach would have GONE OUT OF BUSINESS long ago.

Service bookings which require quote approvals can only be increased if a plan has been automatically extended. The NDIS suggests this might be bookings for Supported Independent Living or Specialist Disability Accommodation.  But we're NOT so sure.  Watch this space people... this issue is much more complicated then this.  Quote approvals are also necessary for Level3/4 AT equipment and home mods for example and UNDOUBTEDLY planners and LAC staff will manage to royally mix this up, implement the wrong way or just not provide this planning option in the first place.

Just remember also... you the participant needs to consent to any change to their service booking before a provider can make those changes, unless it is part of a plan auto-extension.  Ideally this should be signing a price of paper for a change to occur OR at least have an email asking you to agree to the change and your agreement to it.  Providers not doing this should be taken to the cleaners... shirts and all!  It is never an excuse NOT to have had a conversation, discussed with people the need/issue and then put in place relevant documentation.  Its really NOT that hard!

For more information on managing service bookings, please visit the NDIS website.

Assistive technology now included in plan auto-extensions

Assistive technology (AT) funding and specific items will now be included when participant plans are auto-extended, providing participants had AT supports in their previous plan.

  • This will be up to the value of $3,000 if 50 per cent or more was utilised in the previous plan.           
  • This will also be capped at $3,000 (if less than this amount was in the previous plan the lower amount will be included).
  • Specific assistive technology items will be duplicated in the new plan, if 50 per cent or more of the funds were utilised in the previous plan for repairs and maintenance.

As always keep checking here or the NDIS website because further clarifications are bound to occur.  Given the government we unfortunately have to live with a few more years yet (at least)... and the mandarins in charge of think processes within the NDIA... expect iterations, clarifications, obfuscations, play on alliterations, and etc... as things will undoubtedly turn to crap before they get fixed!

Happy flexibility day peoples... just remember in the words of Spiderman. "...with great power comes great responsibility."  If only @scottyfrom marketing had seen that movie!


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