It all starts here… (soon!)

Happy New Year!

And we mean HAPPY!.... 2020 was just crap. Fires, Hail and COVID-19.  What a mixture.

The SchemeWise team hope you have all had the opportunity to spend quality time with your nearest and dearest loved ones.  This season was all about reconnecting after we spent so much time hunkered own and hiding.  But I guess we all reconnected in much smaller groups... discretely... and in a compliant social distancing way, face masked and weary of coughs and sneezes, without the hand sanitiser too far away.

Certainly a different year then many others.  With a little hope... we'll all be heading back out of the pandemic craziness soon?!

But back to more important matters....

Your SchemeWise service all recommence from Monday 11 January 2021.  All services are back and the office will be open.

We're working on new ways to address people's needs too.  If you haven't already seen it please heath on over to our psychosocial coaching and Work and SLES pages to see about these services.  We're excited about them and we hope you are too.

For people needing help... our counselling service has capacity and is also available at in your home or a community location (we come to you) or via telehealth. Or aim is to be as flexible as possible.

We haven't forgotten that sometimes thing go wrong (2020 was a great example).  So to help you and our direct service provider friends...  either party can now engage with our Debriefing and Incident Service. This multi-disciplinary supported service aims to help find meaning when an incident occurs, helps people manage stress responses, keeps teams and individuals engaged (reducing loss and churn) and delivers a short report on our findings with ways to make improvements (Supporting continuous quality processes).  In most cases it can be funded under a participants plan and involves around 5-6 hours commitment.

We've got some exciting changes taking place too... and we'll update on those when they are ready.

So... glad to see you again.  Happy to know your safe.   Expect SchemeWise people to be reaching out to you soon.

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